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Same day Payday Loan

The name speaks it all, Same Day Payday Loan means the loan sanctioned, on the day it is applied for, against the monthly pay or regular income. In other words it is a cash advance taken in an emergency for a short period of time. The word same day is an alarm bell that acts like a siren and the lenders too have to understand that the borrower requires money in emergency. Yes there are situations in life when you cannot wait, you require immediate financial help , a kind of stop gap arrangement. You cannot think of waiting for two weeks for your pay to arrive because the money is required within 24 hours and you are short on money. So to deal with such emergencies we have Same day Payday Loan. This loan comes with various names like Payday advances, payroll loans, salary loans, cash advances.The different versions of name shows how popular it is. It seems to rule the financial heart of the people. Some lenders use phrases like instant payday loans, get cash now etc. but one must not lose patience, the process can take a few hours but it is ensured that the mony reaches you before the expiry of 24 hours.

It is normally said, save something for a rainy day but the dreams and inflation seem to be competing to touch the sky, so saving sounds like an obsolete term these days. Moreover millennial believe more in experiencing life, fulfilling their dreams and living in present rather than thinking about future. For them, the present is life, past is over and future no one knows, so they believe in the dictum of live in the moment. They do not think much about sparing for the future and are not at all frugal. There can be many groups of people who do not save or don’t have surplus to save. They are merely able to survive. These can be single parent, Hispanic marginalized population, migrants who move to bigger cities for better opportunities. For these groups life can be a struggle, they might be working very hard but still not able to make both ends meet. For many continuing with day to day routine becomes a problem. For such groups, life becomes a wait for paydays. They are not able to easily reach the next payday without being thrown over by the provision of such loans.

Reasons why people take payday loan

Life is played live, one cannot practice or rehearse it. Nor do we have that mirror that can shoe us what lies ahead. So life is a surprise to be unwrapped every day. Sometimes this surprise can change to shock too when unexpected bad things show up. So, life often takes people unguarded. There are fewer Americans who have more than $1,000 in saving for emergency. A single financial crisis can play havoc with your finances and can adversely affect other parts of life, like work, relations etc. Our life is a blend of personal and professional and we cannot compartmentalize it. After all we are humans not robot so before the problem starts spreading and affecting, it should be nipped in the bud. The best thing is to plug it there and then.

• Medical Emergency

Imagine you went for a morning walk, you tripped over a stone and you fell, with excruciating pain near the ankle, you are not able to walk. Falling and getting hurt was not in your plan. According to your plan, you were to attend your office. You are taken to the hospital, deep inside you are worried and cursing yourself for not getting yourself medically insured. The X-ray shows, hairline fracture, means plaster and bed rest. This makes you feel very bad, at the back of your mind, you are worried about your funds and then Same day payday loan takes away your worry.

• Car Repair

Suppose your car breaks down on the way back coming from the office and from tomorrow you have night shift, you are in a fix. You have to get your car fixed in emergency because you cannot depend on public transport. You have to reach office well in time. If you are not able to then you lose your job which in turn can be disastrous. So you opt for same day payday loan to get your car fixed as well as your life.

• Emergency house repair

One fine morning you got up and the moment you stepped into the living room, your foot landed into water, to your utter shock the carpet found was wet. You realized that it rained last night and the water was dripping from the ceiling. You decided to get it repaired at any cost because, delay meant more of loss. Though this was not what you thought your Sunday would be. Thanks to the same day payday loan which helped to make the damp financial status crisp.

• Heating System Repair:

There have been blizzard last night and you could not sleep properly, not only you, everyone in the house complained about the freezing chill. It was strange, it never happened earlier, you just went to the basement and found that the heating -system was not working. It being winters, existing without that seemed impossible so unexpected expenditure knocked at the door.Such exigencies cannot be ignored so with payday being far, you had no one to depend upon except same day payday loan.

• Giving other instalments

Suppose you have taken vehicle loan to buy car for your son and mortgaged your own car for it , unfortunately due to other expenses you are not left with money to pay instalment so to save your vehicle from slipping into the hands of others, you take same day payday loan.

• Cancelling debt

It can be that the interest on your credit card has accrued so much that you want to get over with it , for once and all so you take same day payday loan and clear the debt .

• Paying Rent

Being a student with part time job you took home on rent with your friend. Living alone was an expensive affair so you thought that the rent will get divided between the two Unfortunately your friend’s mom met with an accident and she had to rush back home. In such a situation even you could not ask for rent from her, so you decide to take same day payday loan to give your rent and to avoid the hunt of another rental accommodation.

• High Bills

There may be unexpected rise in the bill because of more consumption of water and gas as there were some guests at your place but you never expected the bills to be that high. Avoiding any further hassle you plan to opt for same day payday loan.

• Feeding Dreams

Suppose your daughter has been preparing for pretty long for a dance competition and eventually got selected but the costume and the props she requires are quite expensive. Do you have the guts to shatter your child’s dream after she has reached till here with a lot of hard work and efforts . Of course not, you find the same day pay day option to pump life into the dreams of your child.

• Rejuvenating Spirits

The whole year, round the clock, you slog meeting deadlines, your bogged down spirits need a break and take you to a secluded island on the wings of imagination, where you find yourself sprawling under the cool shade with waves of water scraping off the dust of the worries. You find a very good deal on and you muster up courage to book it. In order to pull through the remaining days of the month you opt for payday loan.

• Overdrawn

It can be a scary realization to find your bank account being overdrawn, the bank can charge you with overdraft, that again is a pretty expensive affair. Then the thought of bouncing of check with non sufficient funds and the thought of legal proceedings against you make you numb with fear and scared to the core, so the best option that comes to mind is Payday loan.

• Avoiding Embarrassment

Imagine you met your friends after a long time and you invited them for a party, so during the party you didn’t realize how much it would amount to but later on when you saw the bill, it really pinched you hard but you didn’t say nor did you show any expression of that sort because you knew, same day payday loan is there, to pull you through the month because the money for bills and grocery has been used in throwing the party.

• Boosting Business

Just suppose unexpectedly there has been demand of 300 printed mugs against the 20 in the stock, so you require money at the earliest as you don’t want the order to move out of your hands. Therefore you commit for the order to be fulfilled, depending on the same day payday loan. Thus same day payday can help in boosting business too.

• Saving Relations

There may be many instances where you think of not borrowing from lenders because you have to give interest on the loan but this temptation is held back by your wisdom and you prefer borrowing from outside rather than from your own relatives and friends. It conceals your financial status and keeps your self- pride intact. Moreover it has been observed borrowing finances from relatives and friends result into friction and strained relations. It is better to take online payday loan and save relations.